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The insulating flange connection type HP2 is suitable for up to 100 vol.% hydrogen.
As part of the extensive testing, the diffusion behavior of the insulating material and the tightness of the construction with hydrogen were tested, among other things. The result is convincing due to a significantly better permeation coefficient than with plastics that are already considered suitable for hydrogen.
After successful product certification in Germany by DVGW, we have also received product certification for Switzerland by SVGW.
GWF MessSysteme AG distributes the insulating flange connections of ISOflanges GmbH in Switzerland. The SVGW product certification of the insulating flange connection HP2 now also guarantees the use of a product with the highest quality standards for the Bertreiber in Switzerland.
DVGW product certified insulating flange connection HP2 – Best possible quality standard now “in black and white”.
ISOflanges has now successfully completed the DVGW type examination for its insulating flanges in the High Performance version “HP2”. This means that we have the 1st DVGW product certified insulating flange joint on the market. Users at energy suppliers, municipal utilities, companies in the natural gas and petroleum sectors, the water sector and industrial companies can thus be sure that they are using a product with the highest quality standards. And this in terms of their operational safety as well as maintaining the value of their pipelines and plants. At the same time, they make an active contribution to environmental protection and immission control through the lowest possible leakage rate.
Gasket replacement for ISOflanges insulating flanges
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High voltage test – sparkover demonstration
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Insulating flange connection HP2 assembly video
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3R | Issue 12/2020: Highest quality standards on insulating flange connections ensure security of supply (by Marc Oehlmann)
Reliable insulating flange designs are essential for value-preserving cathodic corrosion protection (CCP) in pipeline and plant construction. They are used not only by companies in the natural gas, petroleum and water industries, but also by energy supply companies and in industry, where they contribute to a high level of supply security.
3R | Issue 01-02 2019: High-voltage tests on insulating flanges: Exploiting potential for improvement (by M. Sc. Claudia Suckut)
The current insulating flange design from ISOflanges function absolutely reliably and flawlessly. In this respect, they pass the required finished part acceptance tests, which also include the high voltage test with 5 kV, without any problems. But where is the actual load limit of these constructions in connection with applied high voltage?
ISOflanges high voltage tests: insulating flange type HP Dplus, DN150 PN16
High voltage test of the optimised insulating flange construction carried out at the University of Kassel laboratory / February 2018
In November 2017, the optimised flange was tested in our facilities multiple times with our test equipment in accordance with DIN EN 1594:2009-06 with 5kV. These tests registered no visible or audible partial discharges, a result that was once again confirmed by high voltage tests at the University of Kassel.
Special edition 3R 10-11 from 2017 – Eyes open when purchasing insulating flanges (by M. Sc. Claudia Suckut)
There is no shortage of electrical insulation joints for gas plant engineering and the market is very heterogeneous in terms of quality and construction. Products include insulating seals, insulating couplings and insulating flanges in widely varying designs. Ever-changing regulations complicate the matter further, and the user is faced with the
hard decision of choosing the “right” solution, which should conform with prevailing regulations and provide effective cathodic protection reliably and over a long service life. It is also entirely dependant on operational parameters specific to each plant. The insulating flange expert, ISOflanges, reveals what users should keep in mind for a safe and reliable pipeline construction.
ISOflanges provides energy suppliers, public utilities, companies in the natural gas and petroleum industry as well as CP specialists with high-quality insulating flanges for pipeline engineering.
Any leaks?
Pipelines – The newly founded company ISOflanges from Celle in Lower Saxony offers insulating flanges for cathodic protection in pipeline engineering.
Press release ISOflanges 2017-03
Since ISOflanges was founded in 2016, Celle is the home of high-quality insulating flanges being manufactured in-house for energy suppliers, companies in the natural gas and petroleum industry, CP specialists and industrial companies. Optimal solutions are available for all areas of application in two quality grades (HP and HQ).
Insulating flanges:
In its gat trade fair appearance this year, ISOflanges is putting its focus on insulating flanges for reliable cathodic protection in pipeline engineering. These components are essential for energy suppliers, public utilities, companies in the natural gas and petroleum industry and industrial companies.